Member-only story
Sometimes Zombies Wear Clown Pants
Because sometimes that’s what you’re wearing when you zom-out.
There are days when I wish I could full out zombie and eat my family members. I’m sure lots of people have had days like that. I’ve never given into this visceral reaction, but some days…it just feels right.
A few years ago, I decided that I needed a highland lass costume. I sewed on it for weeks, off and on, depending when the ability to do so struck me. The last part (excepting any jewelry or headgear I had planned to make) that I finished was the skirt. I’d finally completed the most complicated part of it and was admiring it by holding it to my body to see how it would fit. Unfortunately, I did so with all of my family members in the vicinity watching.
Here’s how the conversation went:
The Architect: “What is that? Pants? Skirt? Why did you make it out of the curtains?”
S.S., The Bee Whisperer: “I thought it was clown pants.”
Me, Zombie Girl, starting to get frustrated: “That’s plaid.”
The Architect: “Well, yeah. Ugly plaid. Why do you think I thought it was curtain material?”
Zombie Girl pulling off the skirt and putting it next to the already finished vest and blouse.: “See, it matches.”