Reading this was hard and sad. I was #hurttoo but have hesitated to put any of that down for some reasons.
Some of the “guilty parties“ are still alive, and I still communicate with them within my own personal boundaries.
Whenever I have told a story to a close friend, I usually get horrified looks and told how awful I had it. Yes, it wasn’t great, but awful? I suppose it could have been worse. I’m not diminishing it, but in some cases of negligent absences, I enjoyed the removal of my sources of stress and pain.
I think it’s not so much about being compassionate with the people who abused in my case, but understanding that they had damage, too. If I become too empathetic they still trounce my boundaries, self worth, and try to take advantage of any kindness that I show them.
They haven’t learned to do better. I have. And I’m good with my boundaries.
I wish you as peaceful a journey as you can find as you struggle with come to terms with your past. It takes time, effort, and patience to work out damage done. It was never your fault.