I’m super tired of OWG (old white guy) syndrome. You know the one where people internalize the misogynistic idea that only an old guy is up to the task. It would be one thing if Biden were a competent candidate who actually cared enough to show up to debates with real plans. But right now he’s acting like he doesn’t have to put in the work of deliberate thought because he’s already been chosen. And you’re right--Biden’s laurels are nothing to brag on. Unfortunately, I think a lot of people are in the “I have to vote against Trump" camp versus actually voting for the person they believe will do right by our country. Also, we have this idea that politics means people will be civil. Politics is one of the least civilly implemented ideas and history backs that up. Oh well…here’s hoping that the roller coaster ride ends soon. My upchuck response has weakened after three straight years of this crap. And I’m not sure any candidate will be enough to turn the tide of incivility and hatred in America.