I had a similar experience after getting smacked down with temporal lobe seizures. The seizures got better, but the sound issues got worse. If I had to sit in front of a train rushing by, I was done for the day from dizziness and nausea. Dubstep was the worst.
I finally went in and saw an audiologist who proclaimed that I had generalized anxiety disorder — you know, because he was a backseat psychologist when he wasn’t doing his day job. (He was the new guy at my clinic, and unsurprisingly, he left about two months later — probably because he was more invested in telling people they were psychosomatic than actually discovering what the problem was.)
As it turned out, it was actually my seizure medication causing the issues. And it was right there in bold print under “rare side effects.” I hadn’t put two and two together because the seizures have always caused a degree of dizziness/nausea, but the sound problem started to happen when I began my med. I just thought it was an unfortunate new facet of my epilepsy.
I’m now unmedicated, but my seizures are mostly under control. It took a long time to heal up from the seizures, but now things are mostly better.
I hope that you are able to keep making progress and someday be around sounds without fear or sickness.