Sunshine Zombiegirl
1 min readJan 7, 2022


I got lucky. My husband was able to support us with one job.

I stayed at home in the 90s, back when that was a viable choice. It was hard as hell, but I didn't have to work another 40 hours on top of that.

I had two kids, and between constant health problems (all of us) and seeing how terrible the local public school system was, I homeschooled my kids. I had a small network of friends and family who took turns watching each other's kids and teaching them other things.

We were never alone in our parenting, and I supported my friends who weren't as lucky.

We paid for our children to go to college so they wouldn't be burdened by debt. Our older son lived with us well into his twenties due to health issues.

We've been fortunate. We ARE lucky.

And yet, if I had any inkling of how bad things would be now, twenty years later, I would have chosen to be childless. I see the future coming like a freight train down the tracks, bearing down on us, no escape. I've told my sons that I understand all the reasons they may not have kids.

I'm sorry it's come to this. It's not parents' fault--it's society's. I hope things get better, but I'm pretty sure it won't.



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